• 凯时官方平台

    ZSmart Platform

    Warehouse Management System (WMS)

    WMS manages warehouse receiving and delivery processes of all pallet materials, and can quickly complete the receiving and delivery operations and other warehousing operations through free and open rule settings; Meanwhile, based on the characteristics and features of intelligent warehousing four-way vehicles (RGV) and other smart warehousing equipment, it has flexible allocation rules for cargo space with real-time and accurate warehouse warrant and delivery order where data can be traced at any time; All warehousing and storage activities can be monitored and operated on visual pages in real time; Real-time data interchange is allowed with any host control systems with free and flexible interchange scheme.

    Warehouse Control System (WCS)
    WCS is an application designed for automation equipment within the four-way scheduling and controller library of RGV. Intelligent scheduling of RGV shall coordinate the utilization; Status of automated logistics equipment within warehouses can be monitored in real time; The optimal path can be selected through calculation to improve equipment handling efficiency; It provide traffic dynamic management of vehicles on the same floor; It also provide collision avoidance control, path re-planning and other processing mechanisms; with intelligent charging control system.
    Robot Control System (RCS)
    RCS is an application for monitoring and fault analysis of four-way shuttle robots. Monitor vehicles status in real time; Analyze vehicle faults; Import vehicle parameters automatically; Update systems remotely and automatically.
    Cyber-Physical System (CPS)
    CPS is an application that maps physical equipment through sensor updates and other types of data. Continuously predict the health of equipment or systems, remaining useful life, and probability of successful mission execution; Provide system responses to security critical incidents; Unknown problems existing in the research and development of equipments are revealed by comparing with the physical system response.
    • Free and Open
      Simple and intuitive without document operations,
      Fully free adjustment of rules for warehouse receiving and delivery.
    • Inventory Optimization
      Automatic collection of goods,
      Automatic tally within the entire warehouse.
    • Fast Deployment
      Browser-based access from client-side,
      A self-learning map,
      Only 1 hour for a new vehicle deployment.
    • Simulation Test
      Planning of the efficient and optimal path,
      and ability to quickly deliver planning solutions that meet user needs.
    Empower Every Warehouse to Generate More Value
    Contact us to learn more about intensive, efficient, flexible intelligent warehouse solution proposed by ZS Robotics